k Shooting Movies
ISO speed in the <A> mode
In the <A> mode, the ISO speed will be set automatically within
ISO 100 - ISO 16000.
ISO Speed in the <d>, <s>, <f>, and <F> Mode
The ISO speed will be set automatically within ISO 100 - ISO 16000.
Under [z2: ISO speed settings] (p.157), if you set the [ISO speed
range]’s [Maximum] setting to [H1 (25600)] in the <d>, <f>, or
<F> mode, the automatic ISO range will be expanded to H1
(equivalent to ISO 25600). Even if you set the [Maximum] and
[Minimum] to a narrower range than the default ISO range (ISO 100
- ISO 16000), it will not take effect.
If [z3: Highlight tone priority] is set to [Enable] (p.180), the
automatic ISO range will be ISO 200 - ISO 16000.
Under [z2: ISO speed settings], [Auto ISO range] and [Min.
shutter spd.] cannot be set (p.158-159) for movie shooting. Also,
[ISO speed range] cannot be set in the <s> mode.
For [ISO speed range], if [Maximum] is set to [H2 (51200)] and you switch
from still photo shooting to movie shooting, the automatic ISO range’s
maximum for movie shooting will be H1 (equivalent to ISO 25600, except in
<A> and <s> modes). It cannot be expanded to ISO 51200.