Responding to Error Messages
Has the target camera terminated the connection?
X Check the connection status and connect the cameras again.
A problem other than those described in errors 101 through
108 occurred during the connection between cameras.
X Connect the cameras again.
The target Web server does not have enough free space.
X Delete unnecessary images on the Web server, check the free
space on the Web server, then try sending the data again.
Web service setting operation may be failed.
X Connect the camera and computer using an interface cable and
reconfigure Web service settings using EOS Utility (p.105).
Is the camera’s registration information or Web service
registered on the camera deleted on CANON iMAGE
X Connect the camera and computer using an interface cable and
reconfigure Web service settings using EOS Utility (p.105).
The root certificate has expired or is invalid.
X Connect the camera and computer using an interface cable and
reconfigure Web service settings using EOS Utility (p.105).
108: Disconnected
109: An error has occurred
121: Not enough free space on server
122: Connect to a computer, and correct the settings for
the Web service with the provided software
123: Cannot log in to Web service. Connect to a computer
and correct the settings with the provided software.
124: Invalid SSL certificate. Connect to a computer and
correct the settings with the provided software.