4) Make sure that the film has no slack and that its perforations are properly engaged with the sprocket teeth.
5) Close the back cover. The camera advances the film automatically and stops when "1" appears in the frame
counter in the display panel.
6) During film advance, the film transport bars will appear at the bottom of the display panel moving in
sequence from left to right. However, if the film does not advance correctly, the bars blink after the camera has
stopped and the shutter will. not release. Reload the film.
If the film leader extends past the orange index, take out the film cartridge and manually rewind the excess film
back into the cartridge.
Film becomes soft and tears easily in high humidity. Keep it stored in its canister until loading.
Automatic Film Speed Setting
The camera automatically sets film speed by sensing the DX code marked on the film cartridge. (ISO 25 - 5000
according to DX code standard)
1. The automatically-set film speed will appear in the display panel while the film advances to the first usable
2.. When using film without a DX code, set the speed manually by following these steps: (ISO6-6400).
1 ) Set the main switch to either "A" or " ((*)) ".
2) Open the switch cover, and press both the blue and yellow buttons at the same time to display the ISO film
speed number.
3) Turn the electronic input dial until your film speed displays.
· Once the buttons are depressed, you can remove your fingers because the ISO display is held on for
approximately eight seconds. To clear this status within eight seconds, press the shooting mode selector.
· The previously set film speed appears and blinks in the display panel to warn you if the film speed has not
been set. Always be sure to set the correct film speed, because the warning stops after film speed setting.