How to Use This Manual
Symbols Used in This Manual
Indicates a situation that may lead to death or injury to persons. To use
the mac
hine safely, always pay attention to these warnings.
Indicates a situation that may lead to injury to persons or damage to
uipment. To use the machine safely, always pay attention to these
Indicates an operation that must not be performed. Read these items
carefully, and make sure not to perform the described operations.
Indicates operational requirements and restrictions. Be sure to read
these items carefully to operate the machine correctly and avoid
damage to the machine or property.
Indicates a clari cation of an operation or additional explanations for a
procedure. Reading these notes is highly recommended.
Keys and Buttons Used in This Manual
In this manual, the following styles are used to represent keys, messages on the display, and
buttons or other items on a computer screen.
• Operation panel keys: [Key icon] + (Key name)
Example: [ ] (Stop)
• Display: <Message>
Example: <Specify Destination>
• Buttons and items on a computer screen: [Item]
Example: [Preference]