Using the Software on the Windows Platform – Advanced Techniques
Display Mode
•Selects the display style for the Browser Area.
Zoom Mode
Displays all the images in a folder as thumbnail
images. This mode is convenient for searching
for images since many can be displayed at
If additional folders are nested within a
folder, their images are displayed as
thumbnails as well.
If you move the mouse cursor over a folder,
will display on the upper right. Clicking
here displays that folder zoomed in.
Scroll Mode
The images within the selected folder and
subfolders will display. If you set the display
folder depth (level) to [1] or greater, the
thumbnails of the images in the folder will also
display. You can change the folder depth in the
[Tools] menu under the [Preferences] option.
Preview Mode
This mode displays the image at a larger size as
well as the image information.
Positioning the mouse pointer over a thumbnail causes the image to appear
at a higher magnification in a Mouse Over Window. You can turn off this
function by clicking the [Show Information], and removing the check
mark from the [Show Mouse Over Windows] option.