APPENDIX A Troubleshooting
The troubleshooting tests detailed in this appendix will clearly indicate and
identify the most common problems in establishing ATM networks. There-
fore, before calling Cabletron Systems’ Technical Support, perform these tests
to correct or at least pinpoint the problem.
If you need to call Technical Support, please have the results of these tests
ready, in addition to the information requested in Section A.3, when reporting
your problem.
A.1 Adapter Hardware Troubleshooting
The flowchart in Figure A.1 illustrates the tests used to check the basic hard-
ware functionality of a Cabletron Systems adapter, with the adapter card iso-
lated from the network. The tools used to perform the tests are provided by
Cabletron Systems and the computer hardware vendor. Each of the tests, indi-
cated by the diamond-shaped blocks in Figure A.1, is described individually
in the following subsections.