9030367 E7 Configuration Views
Configuration View Description
Redundancy View
Error Source Table
The Configure Alarms View also displays an Error Source Table, which
displays a series of buttons which allow you to select the types of errors that
will cause alarms. Table 4-2 provides the definitions of the errors contained in
the Error Source Table.
Redundancy View
You can access the Redundancy View by clicking on the Redundancy button in
the Configuration View. This view is not available for the IRBM or the IRM
hubs. The Redundancy View provides the following information:
Model Name
The user-defined or default name of the model.
Device Name
An ASCII name of the device that this agent manages.
Maximum Circuits
The maximum number of circuits.
Available Circuits
The number of available circuits. This field does not appear in the IRM3
Redundancy View.
Redundant Poll Interval
The number of seconds between polls for redundancy.
Table 4-2. Error Source Table Fields
Error Definition
Align Measures the number of misaligned frames detected by the
Runts Measures the number of runt frames detected by the hub.
Giants Measures the number of packets longer than 1,518 bytes
detected by the hub.
CRC Measures the number of packets with bad Cyclic
Redundancy Checks (CRCs) detected.
OOW Measures the number of Out-Of-Window (OOW) collisions
detected by the hub.
No_Resource Measures the number of No_Resource errors detected by the