Catalyst Stack System ConÞguration View
Catalyst Stack Chassis Information View
ConÞguration Views Cisco Catalyst 5000/5500 Hub
3-8 Management Module Guide
Number Slots
Displays the number of slots for plug-in modules in the device.
Power Supplies
This section of the Chassis Information view provides the following
information about the devices power supplies:
#1 Type
Displays the type of power supply installed as the Þrst power supply for the
device. Possible power supply types are: Other, None, 50w, 200w, 600w, 80w,
and 130w.
#1 Status
Displays the current status of the power supply installed as the Þrst power
supply. Possible states are: Other, OK, MinorFault, and MajorFault. For more
information on fault conditions, refer the Test Results Þeld.
#1 Test Results
Displays the current status of the test result for the power supply installed as
the Þrst power supply. A zero indicates that the power supply passed all tests.
#2 Type
Displays the type of power supply installed as the second power supply for the
device. Possible power supply types are: Other, None, 50w, 200w, 600w, 80w,
and 130w.
#2 Status
Displays the current status of the power supply installed as the second power
supply. Possible statuses are: Other, OK, MinorFault, and MajorFault.
#2 Test Results
Displays the current status of the test result for the power supply installed as
the second power supply. A zero indicates that the power supply passed all
This section of the Chassis Information view provides the following
information about the deviceÕs cooling fan:
Displays the current status of the deviceÕs fan. Possible states are Other, OK,
MinorFault, and MajorFault.
Test Result
Displays the test results from the last completed test of the deviceÕs fan. A
zero indicates that the fan passed all tests. Refer to your hardwareÕs
documentation for deÞnitions of the error conditions.