Port Configuration 4-3
FDDI Management
Figure 4-1. Port Configuration Window
The Port Configuration window displays the following information:
SMT Index
Displays the index number of the Station Management (SMT) entity to which
each port is attached. Each FDDI NIM module has two SMT entities — one for
each front panel interface. If you have launched the Port Configuration
application from the Hub View Module menu, these two SMT entities will be
indexed by front panel interface numbers (FP 1 and FP 2, as illustrated above); if
you have launched the application from the command line (or if your 7C0x hub
has more than one FDDI NIM installed), the front panel designations will not
appear. For multiple NIMs, SMT entities will be indexed from left to right in the
hub, and from top (front panel port 1) to bottom (front panel port 2) on each
Port Index
Displays the index number assigned to each port. If you have launched the Port
Configuration application from the Hub View, each front panel port will be
identified by type (A or B); if you have launched from the command line, each
will be identified by a logical index number (1 or 2) that identifies the port in
relation to its assigned SMT entity.