Review the wiring chart information.
Find the chart below that has your correct System Type.a.
On the chart, fi nd the Thermostat Brand that matches your existing thermostat.b.
Compare your Wire Labels to the chart and identify which ones you have (it may only have some of the ones shown).c.
Look at the New Thermostat Terminals row at the bottom of the chart to see what your wires connect to.d.
Themostat Brand Wire Labels
Carrier/Bryant C R *E & W2 O G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Coleman X R *E & W2 B G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Comfortmaker C R W1 O G Y or Y1 Y2 X/W2
Heil-Quaker C R W1 O G Y or Y1 Y2 W2
Honeywell, Robert Shaw, White Rogers C RC R E & W O/B G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Lennox CB19 C R *E & W1 O G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Lennox HP19/20 X V/VR *E & Y R F M
Lennox HP21 + CB21 X R/VR *E & W1 O F Y or Y1 Y2 L
Lennox HP22 + CB19 X R/VR *E & Y R F M Y2 L
Payne C R *E & W2 O G Y or Y1 Y2 L/W3
Rheem/Ruud X R *E & W2 B G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Trane/American Standard (Weathertron) B R *X2 & W O G Y or Y1 Y2 T/F
York B R W O G Y or Y1 Y2 X
Connects to
New Thermostat Terminals
24COM 24RC 24RH W1 W2/O G Y1 Y2 Not used
* If you have any of the following pairs of terminals (E & W1, E & W2, E & Y, X2 & W), connect both wires to “W1”
System Type - Heat Pump
(Single Stage & Multistage)
Change Over
Multistage Compressor
(Stage 2)
Themostat Brand Wire Labels
Carrier/Bryant C R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Coleman X R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Comfortmaker C R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 X/W2
Heil-Quaker C R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 W2
Honeywell, Robert Shaw, White Rogers C R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Lennox CB19 C R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Lennox HP19/20 X R W or W1 W2 F M
Lennox HP21 + CB21 X R W or W1 W2 F Y or Y1 Y2 L
Lennox HP22 + CB19 X R W or W1 W2 F M Y2 L
Payne C R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 L/W3
Rheem/Ruud X R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 L
Trane/American Standard (Weathertron) B R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 T/F
York B R W or W1 W2 G Y or Y1 Y2 X
Connects to
New Thermostat Terminals
24COM 24RC 24RH W1 W2/O G Y1 Y2 Not used
System Type - Gas or Electric
(Single Stage & Multistage)
Multistage Cooling
(Stage 2)
Multistage Heating
(Stage 2)