
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
M. Option 19 Equipment Present
This selection informs the thermostat of the heat, cool, and fan
capabilities of the installed equipment. Select number 2, 3, or 4.
Default is 4.
For equipment with bothheat and cool capability and fanselection,
choose 4.
For equipment with only heat or cool, but with fan selection,
choose 3.
For equipment with only heat or cool and no fan selection, choose
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 19. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 19 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
19 choices of 2 through 4. Factory default is 4.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 19. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
N. Option 21 Keypad Lockout
In OF (off) mode, the keypad is not locked out and has full
functionality. In ON mode, the keypad is locked out and the lock
icon on the display is illuminated. To unlock the keypad, the user
must press and hold the up and down buttons simultaneously for
approximately 5 seconds. The lock icon is turned off and the
keypad will remain unlocked as long as the user presses a button
at least every 30 seconds or for the entire duration of the installer
test mode. If keypad remains idle for 30 seconds and the installer
test mode is not in operation, the keypad will return to the locked
state and the lock icon will illuminate on the screen.
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 21. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 21 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
21 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 21. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
O. Installer Test Mode
Installer test will be initiated by pressing the fan button for 20
seconds (15 seconds will enter installer setup. InS will appear on
the screen and the SERVICE icon will be illuminated.
In installer test mode, pressing the MODE button will change the
system operating mode. Note that AUTO mode is not available in
installer test. Heating and cooling modes must be tested indepen-
a. If the mode is set to HEAT, the first stage of heating will
be energized for three minutes (180 seconds), and then
the first and second stages (if a second stage exists) will
turn on for an additional three minutes. Installer test will
always attempt to run a second stage output whether it is
attached or not, providing a minimum of 6 minutes of
first stage operation. At the end of the 6 minute period,
the MODE will return to OFF.
b. Pressing the FAN button while the heating or cooling
equipment is not running will turn on the FAN relay and
display the FAN icon.
c. If the mode is set to COOL, the first stage of cooling
turns on for threeminutes, then first and second stages(if
a second stage exists) will turn on for three minutes.
d. If the mode is set to EHEAT, auxiliary heat turns on for
three minutes, then the mode returns to OFF.
Terminating Installer Test
After 15 minutes of inactivity (no button presses by the installer),
thermostat will automatically revert to normal operation. Pressing
RESET FILTER any time during installer test will terminate
installer test and return the thermostat to normal operation.
A. Fan Operation
1. Press FAN button, starting continuous fan operation. FAN
icon turns on.
2. Press FAN button again, stopping fan operation. FAN icon
turns off. (Some fan coils have 90 sec fan off delay, so fan
may not stop immediately.)
B. Outdoor Temperature Sensor
If system is equippedwith an outdoor temperature sensor, checkits
operation by pressing both, the temperature UP and DOWN
buttons simultaneously. Outdoor temperature will be displayed for
about 5 sec. If -- is displayed, the outdoor temperature sensor is
absent or not properly connected.
C. Checklist
1. Run equipment through several heating and cooling cycles
to ensure proper operation.
2. If equipment is to be left in operation, set point and
operating mode must be properly selected.
3. Put away tools and instruments, and clean up debris.
4. Review Homeowner’s Guide with owner.
5. Leave literature packet with owner.