
saved at the time of selection and will be saved in the event of the 3 minute
time--out or when installer exits from configuration menu.
Configuration Options —Selection
Option 01 — Equipment Type
Range: H2, A2, HP, AC, hh, h2, H, C
H2 operates a two--speed heat pump with a fan coil
HP operates a single--speed heat pump with a fan coil
A2 operates a two--speed AC
AC operates a single--speed AC
hh operates a single--speed heat pump with a furnace
h2 operates a two-- speed heat pump with a furnace
H operates a heat--only system. Furnace or fan coil only;
no outdoor unit.
C operates a cool only-- system. Outdoor AC unit with an
indoor fan coil with no strip heaters.
Default is H2.
Option 02 — Clean Filter Timer
Select hours of blower operation (heating, cooling, or fan) before CHECK
FILTER icon is displayed. With OF selected, icon will never come on, disabling
this feature. Time selection can range from 800 to 7200 hr by selecting numbers
1 through 9. (Time is 800 X number selected.) Default is 4 (3200 hr).
Recommended selections are disposable filter--800 to 2400 hr, media filter--2400
to 3200 hr, or electronic air cleaner--1600 to 2400 hr of blower operation. For
higher efficiency filter, please consult filter’s Installation Instruction for details.