
Fig. 4 -- Attach Thermostat to Backplate
11. Close thermostat assembly making sure pins on back of circuit board align
with sockets in connector.
12. Turn ON power to unit.
When power is appli ed, all dis pl ay i cons ar e l i t for 2 s econds t o test the di spl ay.
Fol lowi ng this, the equipment type for which the thermostat is configur ed is displayed
for an additi onal 2 seconds. It wil l be one of H P, H2, AC, A2, H or C ( see explanat ion
under St e p 3, Opt i on 01 below) . A HP thermos t at c onf i gur ed to operate an AC (see
Opti on 1 bel ow) wil l displ a y AC. An AC therm ost at cannot display HP.
NOTE: If a common wire has not been connected, two AA batteries must be used
to power the thermostat.
Step 3 — Set Thermostat Configuration
Configuration options enable the installer to configure the thermostat for a particular
inst al lat i on. Mos t are not pr es ent ed to the homeowner and ther ef or e must be properly set
by the ins t al ler. ( Onl y t hos e mar ked with an asteri s k * below are availabl e t o the
homeowner.) Foll ow i ng is a list of the opti ons available, an explanat i on of thei r functi on,