The minimum operating temperature for these units in cooling
mode is 55_F/12.7_C outdoor ambient without additional
accessories. This equipment may be operated in cooling mode at
ambient temperatures below 55_F/12.7_C when the accessories
listed in Table 1 or 2 are installed. Wind baffles are required when
operating in cooling mode at ambients below 55_F/12.7_C. Refer
to Fig. 1 for wind baffle construction details for Legacy RNC
through Legacy Line models and Fig. 2 for Deluxe models. First
production of Preferred Series units are capable of low ambient
cooling only with pressure switch or Evolution UI control. Motor
Master was not available. See most current Product Data for
updates. Evolution Series 2--Stage units are capable of low ambient
cooling only with Evolution UI control.
Entry, Mid Tier, and 4 Sided Deluxe Units (in.)
AA UNIT HEIGHT A B C --- 1 C --- 2 C --- 3 D
Mini Base 23---1/8
25---5/16 20---3/8 10---1/16
1---5/16 8 --- 1/4 3 --- 1/2 39---1/4
28---11/16 23---13/16 11---3/4
32---1/8 27---3/16 13---1/2
35---1/2 30---5/8 15---3/16
38---15/16 34 16---7/8
42---5/16 37---3/8 18---9/16
45---11/16 40---13/16 20---1/4
Small 25---3/4
25 20---3/8 10---1/16
3---15/16 10---7/8 6--- 1/8 41---7/8
28---7/16 23---13/16 11---3/4
31---13/16 27---3/16 13---1/2
35---1/4 30---5/8 15---3/16
38---5/8 34 16---7/8
42 37---3/8 18---9/16
45---7/16 40---13/16 20---1/4
Medium 31---1/4
25---1/2 20---3/8 10---1/16
9 --- 3/8 16---5/16 11---9/16 47---3/8
28---15/16 23---13/16 11---3/4
32---5/16 27---3/16 13---1/2
35---3/4 30---5/8 15---3/16
39---1/8 34 16---7/8
42---1/2 37---3/8 18---9/16
45---15/16 40---13/16 20---1/4
Large 35
25---1/2 20---3/8 10---1/16
13---3/16 20---1/8 15---3/8 51---1/8
28---15/16 23---13/16 11---3/4
32---5/16 27---3/16 13---1/2
35---3/4 30---5/8 15---3/16
39---1/8 34 16---7/8
42---1/2 37---3/8 18---9/16
45---15/16 40---13/16 20---1/4
Fig. 1 – Base / Mid--Tier / Deluxe (4--sided) Baffle Assembly