Electrical Controls and W
tion. If there are any discrepancies in the ope rating cycle, contact
your local dealer and request service.
erequipment.Ifinadequatecooling issuspected,contactyourlocal
dealer for service.
Failureto follow thiswarning could result in personalinjury,
death or property damage.
System under pressure. Relieve pressure and recover all
refrigerant before system repair orfinal unit disposal. Use all
service ports and open all flow--control devices, including
solenoid valves.
Unit Panels
Afterperforming anymaintenanceorserviceontheunit,besureall
panels are fastened securely in place to prevent rain from entering
Regular Dealer Maintenance
In addition to the type of routinemaintenanceyou might bewilling
to perform, your unit should be inspected regularly by a properly
trained s ervice technician. An i nspection (preferably each year,but
at least every other year) should include the following:
1. Inspection and, if required, cleaning of the outdoor and
indoor coils.
2. Inspection and, ifrequired,cleaningof theindoorcoildrain
3. Inspectionandcleaningofblowerwheelhousingandmotor.
4. Inspection of all supply and return air ducts for leaks,
obstructions, and insulation integrity. Any problems found
should be resolved at this time.
5. Inspectionoftheunitbasetoensurethatnocracks,gaps,etc.,
exist which may cause a hazardous condition.
6. Inspection of the unit casing for signs of deterioration.
7. Inspection of allelectrical wiring and components to assure
proper connection.
8. Inspection for leaks in the refrige rant circuit. Pressure check
to determine appropriate refrigerant charge.
9. Inspection of compressor oil level by service person to
it is installed and running.
10. Operational check of the unit to determine working
Yourservicingdealermay offeran economicalservicecontractthat
covers seasonal inspections. Ask for further details.
Complete service instructions can be found in the unit Installation,
Start--up and Service Instructions.
Warranty Certificate
Your707Dhasalimitedwarranty. Besuretoreadthewarrantycare-
fully to determine the coverage for your unit.
Before you call for s ervice...
...check for several easily solved problems.
If insufficient heating or cooling is suspected:
( ) Check for sufficient a irflow. Check theair filter f or dirt. Check
forblockedreturnorsupplyairgrilles.Besurethey areopen andun-
obstructed. Ifthesechecks do notrevealthe cause,call yourservic-
ing dealer .
If your unit is not operating at all, check the following list for
easy solutions:
( )Check tobesurethatthetemperaturespecifiedby yourUIisset
below the indoor temperature during the cooling season or above
the indoor temperature during heating season (if equipped with
electric heater). Be sure the UI is set to COOL or HEAT and not
( ) If your unit still fails to operate, call your servicing dealer for
troubleshooting and repairs. Specify the modeland serialnumbers
of yourunit. (Recordthem in thismanualin thespaceprovided.)If
fer suggestions over the phone, or save valuable time through
knowledgeable preparation for the service call.
In Case of Trouble
Ifyouperform thestepsaboveandunitperformanceis stillunsatis-
factory, shut off the unit and call your dealer.
Manufacturer reservesthe rightto change,at anytime, specifications anddesigns withoutnotice andwithoutobligations.
Copyright2009 BryantHeating& CoolingSystems, 7310W.MorrisSt.Indianapolis,IN 46231
TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ON PARTS: Consult your installing dealer or classified section of your local telephone directory under the
“Heating Equipment” or “Air Conditioning C ontractors & Systems” heading for dealer listing by brand name.
Have available the Model No., Series Letter, & Serial No. of your equipment to ensure correct replacement part.
Printed intheU.S.A.
Replaces: OM01---79
Catalog No:OM707D--- 01
EditionDate: 03/09