1. Unit selection
Select equipment to either match or be slightly less than an-
ticipated peak load. This provides better humidity control,
fewer unit cycles, and less part-load operation.
For units used in spaces with high sensible loads, base
equipment selection on unit sensible load, not on total an-
ticipated load. Adjust for anticipated room wet bulb tem-
perature to avoid undersizing equipment.
For heat pump systems, heating load using outdoor air
must be checked in addition to cooling load. Heating load of
outdoor air can greatly reduce heating capability.
For heat pump systems, heating and cooling design loads
must both be checked.
When selecting equipment which has outdoor air intro-
duced into the unit, determine the mix conditions of room air
and outdoor air at design conditions. The cooling capacity
tables in this literature are based on 80 F edb. Adjust for ac-
tual dry-bulb and wet-bulb conditions with the required out-
door air to select the proper equipment.
2. Unit combinations and coil mixed matches
The 538A, 538C, 538D, and 538S units are the only units
approved for use with the 619E duct-free split systems.
These outdoor units may also be used with other fan coil
3. Unit mounting (outdoor)
a. Unit leveling — For reliable operation, units should be
level in all planes.
b. Clearance — Adequate clearance must be provided for
airflow. See dimensional drawings for proper clear-
ances. The outdoor units are designed for free-blow ap-
plication. Air inlets and outlets should not be restricted.
Outdoor fan external static pressure available is less
than 0.1 in. wg.
c. Unit location — Cooling units may be stacked 2 high.
Units may be wall mounted, pad mounted at ground
level, roof mounted, mounted on or under a deck, or
mounted on a patio. Be sure water drainage from roof
will not drain directly onto the unit.
NOTE: If stacking units is desired (538A, 538C, 538S only),
field-fabricated and installed hardware is required. Contact
your local representative for details.
If 018, 024, 048 units are being mounted near a wall, the
outdoor-air section should discharge toward the wall. This
will provide inherent coil protection and the best possible
sound and airflow performance. The 009, 012 units should
be mounted with fan discharge pointing away from the wall.
4. Unit mounting (indoor)
a. Unit leveling — For reliable operation, units should be
level in all planes.
b. Clearance — Provide adequate clearance for airflow.
The unit return and discharge should not be obstructed
by furniture, curtains, or anything which may cause unit
short cycling or air recirculation. See base unit dimen-
sional drawings on pages 13 and 14 for required
c. Unit location — When selecting unit location, select a
location which will provide the best air circulation for the
Position units as high as possible on the wall for best air
circulation. Allow adequate clearances above the unit for
servicing (removing unit covers). Place the unit in the
middle (horizontally) of the wall selected (if possible).
Select an outside wall if available to make piping easier,
and place the unit so it faces the normal location of room
5. Mounting template
The fan coil units are furnished with a mounting template to
mark the location of the mounting brackets, wiring, and re-
frigeration hole locations.
6. Support
Adequate support must be provided to support the weight
of all fan coils. Refer to the Specification tables on
page 8 for fan coil weights, and the base unit dimensional
drawings on pages 13 and 14 for the location of mounting
7. System operating conditions
Operating limits:
CONDITION 009,012 018,024,048
Maximum Cooling Ambient (F) 125 125
Minimum Cooling Ambient (F) (without
accessory low-ambient kit)
55 55
Minimum Cooling Ambient (F) (with
accessory low-ambient kit)
–20 –20
Minimum Cooling Return-Air Temperature (F) 55 55
Maximum Cooling Return-Air Temperature (F) 95 95
Maximum Heating Return-Air Temperature (F)* 80/71† 80/71†
Minimum Heating Return-Air Temperature (F)* 55 55
Maximum Heating Ambient Temperature (F)* 0 −20
Minimum Heating Ambient Temperature (F) 80 80
Saturated Suction Temperature Range
Minimum (F) –15 –15
Maximum (F) 55 55
Saturated Condensing Temperature Range
Minimum (F) 85 80
Maximum (F) 150 150
Maximum Compressor Discharge
Temperature (F)
275 275
Minimum Discharge Superheat (F) 60 60
*Heat pump units only.
†Dry bulb/wet bulb.
Maximum Room
Temperature (F)
Minimum Room
Temperature (F)
Maximum Return Air (F)
Dry-Bulb 85
Wet-Bulb 72
Maximum Saturated
Suction Temperature (F)
Minimum Saturated
Suction Temperature (F)
8. Low-ambient operation
Units can operate in cooling down to 55 F (538A, 538C,
538D) under all conditions without a low-ambient or winter
start kit.
Units equipped with accessory low-ambient or winter start
kits should also be equipped with field-fabricated wind
baffle, field supplied crankcase heater (scroll units only)
and field-supplied isolation relay.
a. Winter start (538C and 538S) — The use of a winter
start control may extend the unit operation range (below
40 F) without addition of the low-ambient kit. Winter start
bypasses the low-pressure switch for 3 minutes.
b. Crankcase heater — Scroll compressor units with low-
ambient control or winter start should be equipped with
crankcase heaters to prevent refrigerant migration dur-
ing compressor off cycle.
c. Freezestat (heat pump systems only) — Freeze up
protection is provided on all fan coil units.