System Design
1. Intended for outdoor installation with free-air inlet and outlet. Outdoor fan external static pressure available is
less than 0.01-in. wc.
2. Minimum outdoor operating air temperature is 55°F (12.8°C).
3. Low-ambient operation accessory is not available.
4. Maximum outdoor operating air temperature is 125°F (51.7°C).
5. For reliable operation, unit should be level in all horizontal planes.
6. Maximum elevation of indoor coil above or below base of outdoor unit is; Indoor coil above = 50 ft, indoor
coil below = 150 ft.
7. For interconnecting refrigerant tube lengths greater than 50 ft, consult Application Guideline and Service
Manual—Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps Using Puron® Refrigerant.
8. If any refrigerant tubing is buried, provide a minimum 6-in. vertical rise to the valve connections at the unit.
Refrigerant tubing lengths up to 36 in. may be buried without further consideration. Do not bury lines longer
than 36 in.
9. Use only copper wire for electric connection at unit. Aluminum and clad aluminum are not acceptable for the
type of connector provided.
10. Use with hard shut-off, balance port TXV. If factory-supplied TXV (Thermal expansion valve) is provided it
must be installed. If it is not provided from the factory and is required for the application, use only the
approved TXV listed in the Accessory section of this literature.
11. Do not apply capillary tube indoor coils to these units
12. Factory supplied filter drier must be installed.