* Permissible limits of the voltage range at which the unit will operate satisfactorily. Operation outside these limits may result in unit failure.
† If wire is applied at ambient greater than 30°C (86°F), consult Table 310-16 of the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70).
The ampacity of nonmetallic-sheathed cable (NM), trade name ROMEX, shall be that of 60°C (140°F) conductors per the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70) Article
336-26. If other than uncoated (non-plated), 60° or 75°C (140° or 167°F) insulation, copper wire (solid wire for 10 AWG and smaller, stranded wire for
larger than 10 AWG) is used, consult applicable tables of the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70).
‡ Length shown is as measured 1 way along wire path between unit and service panel for a voltage drop not to exceed 2%.
** Fan motor with ball bearings required. See Low-ambient controller Installation Instructions for application.
NOTE: Copper wire must be used from service disconnect to unit. All motors/compressors contain internal overload protection.
UNIT SIZE 042-C, D 048-C 060-C
Operating Weight (Lb) 206 199 217
Unit Volts—Hertz—Phase 208–230—60—1
Operating Voltage Range* 197—253
Compressor— Rated Load Amps 19.0 24.4 28.8
Locked Rotor Amps 105.0 140.0 165.0
Condenser Fan Motor—Full Load Amps 1.4 1.4 1.4
Min Unit Ampacity for Wire Sizing 25.2 31.9 37.4
Min Wire Size (75°C Copper) AWG† 10 10 8
Min Wire Size (60°C Copper) AWG† 10 8 8
Max Wire Length (Ft) (75°C Copper)‡ 73 59 78
Max Wire Length (Ft) (60°C Copper)‡ 77 97 82
Max Branch Circuit Fuse Size** 40 50 60
Compressor—Manufacturer and Type Copeland Reciprocating Millennium Scroll Millennium Scroll
Temperature and Current Protection Internal Line Break Internal Line Break and Dome Thermostat
Refrigerant—Type and Amount (Lb)†† R-22 and 5.51 R-22 and 7.63 R-22 and 10.63
Coil Face (Sq Ft) 12.2 15.2 18.3
Fins per In.—Rows—Circuits 20—1—225—1—325—1—4
Fan Motor—HP, Type, and RPM 1/4 PSC and 1100
Volts—Hertz—Phase 208/230—60—1
Condenser Airflow (CFM) 3000
Support Feet KSASF0101AAA
Coastal Filter KAACF0801MED
Time Delay Relay KAATD0101TDR
Cycle Protector KSACY0101AAA
Crankcase Heater Standard KAACH1201AAA
Start Assist—Capacitor/Relay Type KSAHS1301AAA KSAHS1601AAA
Start Assist—PTC Type KAACS0201PTC
Sound Hood KSASH1201COP KSASH2001CYL
TXV Kits (Hard Shutoff) KSATX0601HSO KSATX0701HSO
Low-Pressure Switch KAALP0101LPS
High-Pressure Switch KSAHI0101HPS
Filter Drier P502-8163S (RCD)
Evaporator Freeze Thermostat** KAAFT0101AAA
Liquid-Line Solenoid Valve KAALS0101LLS
Winter Start Control** KAAWS0101AAA
Low-Ambient Kit KSALA0201R22
MotorMaster® Control†† 32LT660004 (RCD)
Ball Bearing Fan Motor HC40GE232 (RCD)
Thermostat, Auto Changeover,
Non-Programmable, °F/°C,
1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATBBNAC01-B
Thermostat, Auto Changeover,
7-Day Programmable, °F/°C,
1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATBBPAC01-B
Builder’s Thermostat, Manual
Changeover, Non-Programmable,
°F/°C, 1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATBBBAC01-B
Thermidistat™ Control—Programmable/
Non-Programmable Thermostat with
Humidity Control TSTATBBPRH01-B
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor TSTATBBSEN01-B
Backplate for Non-Programmable
Thermostat TSTATXXNBP01
Backplate for Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXPBP01
Backplate for Builder’s Thermostat TSTATXXBBP01
Thermostat Conversion Kit (4 to 5 wire)
— 10 Pack TSTATXXCNV10