Alternate Power Entry
1. Remove knockouts in fixed compressor panel located on
duct panel side of unit.
2. Route high-voltage leads into high-voltage terminal box.
3. Connect ground wire to green-yellow wire using field-
supplied splice.
4. Connect power wires to unit high-voltage leads.
5. On 3-phase units, locate blue wire projecting from com-
pressor junction box. Cut wire at partition and route into
high-voltage junction box through grommet in back of
junction box.
6. On 3-phase units, strip back blue lead and connect to
third leg of the power wires.
B. Special Procedures for 208-V Operation
Make sure that the gas supply then the
power supply to the unit is switched OFF before mak-
ing any wiring changes. Electrical shock can cause per-
sonal injury or death.
1. Disconnect the orange transformer-primary lead from
the contactor. See unit wiring label.
2. Remove the tape and wirenut from the terminal on the
end of the red transformer-primary lead.
3. Save the wirenut.
4. Connect the red lead to the contactor terminal from which
the orange lead was disconnected.
5. Using the wirenut removed from the red lead, insulate
the loose terminal on the orange lead.
6. Wrap the cover with electrical tape so that the metal
terminal cannot be seen.
C. Control Voltage Connections; Non-Integrated Control
Motor (Non-ICM) Units
Locate the room thermostat on an inside wall in the space to
be conditioned, where it will not be subjected to either a cool-
ing or heating source or direct exposure to sunlight. Mount
the thermostat 4 to 5 ft above the floor.
NOTE: Do not use any type of power-stealing thermostat. Unit
control problems may result.
Use no. 18 American Wire Gage (AWG) color-coded, insu-
lated (35 C minimum) wires to make the control voltage con-
nections between the thermostat and the unit. If the thermo-
stat is located more than 100 ft from the unit (as measured
along the control voltage wires), use no. 16 AWG color-coded,
insulated (35 C minimum) wires.
Standard Connection
Remove knockout hole located in the flue panel adjacent to
the control access panel. See Fig. 2-9. Remove the rubber grom-
met from the installer’s packet (included with unit) and in-
stall grommet in the knockout opening. Provide a drip loop
before running wire through panel.
Run the low-voltage leads from the thermostat, through the
inlet hole, and into unit low-voltage splice box.
Locate five 18-gage wires leaving control box. These low-
voltage connection leads can be identified by the colors red,
green, yellow, brown, and white. (See Fig. 21.) Ensurethe leads
are long enough to be routed into the low-voltage splice box
(located below right side of control box). Cut wires at the point
where they exit control box; do NOT cut yellow wire on
589A024,030 units. Stripped yellow wire is located in connec-
tion box. Route leads through hole in bottom of control box
and make low-voltage connections as shown in Fig. 21. Se-
cure all cut wires, so that they do not interfere with opera-
tion of unit.
Alternate Connection
Remove knockout in compressor fixed panel locatedbelow high-
voltage knockout. Remove the rubber grommet from the in-
staller’s packet (included with unit) and install grommet in
the knockout opening. Route thermostat wires through grom-
met providing drip loop at panel. Connect low-voltage leads
as shown in Fig. 21. On 589A024 and 030 units, the yellow
wire originating from discharge thermostat of compressor must
be cut and routed into low-voltage section of junction box.
D. Control Voltage Connections; Integrated Control Motor
(ICM) Units
Routing Control Power Wires (24 v)
Remove knockout in the compressor fixed access panel lo-
cated below the high-voltage knockout. Remove the rubber
grommet from the installer’s packet (included with unit) and
install grommet in the knockout opening. Route thermostat
wires through grommet providing drip loop at panel. Con-
nect low-voltage leads to the thermostat.
Alternate Connection (24 v)
Remove knockout in the flue panel adjacent to the control ac-
cess panel. Remove the rubber grommet from the installer’s
packet (included with unit) and install grommet in the knock-
out opening. Provide a drip loop before running wire through
panel. Run the low-voltage leads from the thermostat, through
the inlet hole, and into the unit low-voltage splice box.
Connecting to Easy Select Interface Board
The Easy Select interface board is located in the control box
area. The Easy Select interface board is factory wired to the
motor, and factory default selections are preset.
Locate the five 18-gage thermostat lead wires of plug assem-
bly 1 (PL1) attached to the Easy Select interface board (See
Fig. 22 and wiring diagrams for units 589A048 and 060 on
pages 31 and 33.) These low voltage connectionleads are iden-
tified by the colors red, green, yellow, brown, and white. Cut
the wires between the 2 wire ties approximately 4 in. from
the plug. Connect low-voltage leads to the thermostat. Se-
cure all cut wires in the control and splice boxes so they do
not interfere with the proper operation of the unit.
Field Control-Voltage Wiring
Field High-Voltage Wiring
NOTE: Use blue wire for 3-phase units only.
Fig. 21 — High- and Control-Voltage Connections