indicates a field-supplied drive is required.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 1.20 for standard motors; 2.40 for high-static motors.
4. Motor drive range: 840 to 1185 rpm for standard motors; 1075 to 1455 rpm for high-static
motors. All other rpms require field-supplied drive.
5. See page 93 for general fan performance notes.
indicates a field-supplied drive is required.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 1.30 for single-phase standard motors; 2.40 for 3-phase
standard motors; and 2.90 for high-static motors.
4. Motor drive range: 1020 to 1460 rpm for single-phase standard motors; 1120 to
1585 rpm for 3-phase standard motors, and 1300 to 1685 rpm for high-static motors. All
other rpms require field-supplied drive.
5. See page 93 for general fan performance notes.
indicates a field-supplied drive is required. (See Note 4.)
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 1.30 for single-phase standard motors; 2.40 for 3-phase
standard motors; and 2.90 for high-static motors.
4. Motor drive range: 1020 to 1460 rpm for single-phase standard motors; 1120 to
1585 rpm for 3-phase standard motors; and 1300 to 1685 rpm for high-static motors. All
other rpms require field-supplied drive.
5. See page 93 for general fan performance notes.
indicates a field-supplied drive is required.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 1.30 for single-phase standard motors; 2.40 for 3-phase
standard motors; and 2.90 for high-static motors.
4. Motor drive range: 1020 to 1460 rpm for single-phase standard motors; 1120 to 1585 for
3-phase standard motors; and 1300 to 1685 rpm for high-static motors. All other rpms
require field-supplied drive.
5. See page 93 for general fan performance notes.
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
1200 590 0.20 723 0.30 828 0.42 924 0.55 999 0.66 1036 0.68 1073 0.71
1109 0.75 1138 0.79 1162 0.84
1300 615 0.23 744 0.35 849 0.47 940 0.60 1025 0.74
1090 0.84 1121 0.87 1159 0.90 1193 0.95 1218 1.01
1400 642 0.27 766 0.39 870 0.52 959 0.66 1042 0.81
1118 0.95 1175 1.06 1206 1.09 1244 1.12 1270 1.19
1500 670 0.31 788 0.44 892 0.58 980 0.72 1060 0.88
1136 1.04 1205 1.19 1258 1.30 1289 1.34 1316 1.43
1600 699 0.36 811 0.49 913 0.64 1001 0.79
1080 0.95 1153 1.12 1224 1.29 1287 1.45 1337 1.56 1365 1.66
1700 728 0.42 836 0.55 935 0.71 1023 0.86
1101 1.03 1172 1.20 1241 1.38 1307 1.56 1366 1.73 1395 1.84
1800 759 0.48 860 0.62 957 0.78 1044 0.94
1122 1.11 1192 1.29 1258 1.48 1323 1.67 1385 1.86 1414 1.98
1900 790 0.55 886 0.69 980 0.86 1066 1.03
1143 1.21 1214 1.39 1279 1.58 1341 1.78 1402 1.98 1432 2.11
2000 836 0.62 913 0.77 1004 0.94
1088 1.12 1165 1.31 1235 1.49 1300 1.69 1361 1.90 1419 2.10 1449 2.24
Bhp —
Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
1500 665 0.31 729 0.35 843 0.47 940 0.60
1026 0.74 1108 0.89 1187 1.06 1202 1.18 1079 1.10
1600 703 0.36 763 0.40 872 0.53 965 0.66
1049 0.81 1130 0.97 1206 1.14 1275 1.32 1281 1.44
1700 741 0.40 801 0.47 902 0.60 993 0.75
1077 0.89 1152 1.05 1226 1.23 1298 1.41 1359 1.60
1800 765 0.45 821 0.51 923 0.65 1019 0.81
1099 0.96 1178 1.14 1249 1.32 1316 1.52 1382 1.72
1900 802 0.45 854 0.58 953 0.73
1046 0.90 1126 1.06 1201 1.23 1274 1.43 1338 1.62 1402 1.83
2000 840 0.60 888 0.66 984 0.82
1073 0.99 1154 1.16 1226 1.33 1297 1.53 1363 1.73 1424 1.94
2100 878 0.69 923 0.75 1015 0.91
1101 1.08 1182 1.27 1252 1.45 1320 1.64 1388 1.85 1448 2.07
2200 916 0.78 958 0.85
1046 1.01 1129 1.19 1209 1.39 1280 1.58 1345 1.77 1410 1.97 1473 2.20
2300 954 0.89 993 0.96
1079 1.13 1160 1.31 1237 1.51 1309 1.71 1372 1.91 1434 2.11 1496 2.34
2400 993 1.00
1029 1.07 1112 1.25 1190 1.43 1264 1.63 1336 1.85 1400 2.06 1459 2.26 1519 2.48
1031 1.13 1066 1.20 1145 1.39 1220 1.57 1292 1.77 1363 2.00 1428 2.22 1486 2.43 1543 2.65
Bhp —
Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
1500 665 0.31 729 0.35 843 0.47 940 0.60 1026 0.74 1108 0.89
1187 1.06 1202 1.18 1079 1.10
1600 703 0.36 763 0.40 872 0.53 965 0.66 1049 0.81
1130 0.97 1206 1.14 1275 1.32 1281 1.44
1700 741 0.40 801 0.47 902 0.60 993 0.75 1077 0.89
1152 1.05 1226 1.23 1298 1.41 1359 1.60
1800 765 0.45 821 0.51 923 0.65 1019 0.81 1099 0.96
1178 1.14 1249 1.32 1316 1.52 1382 1.72
1900 802 0.45 854 0.58 953 0.73 1046 0.90
1126 1.06 1201 1.23 1274 1.43 1338 1.62 1402 1.83
2000 840 0.60 888 0.66 984 0.82 1073 0.99
1154 1.16 1226 1.33 1297 1.53 1363 1.73 1424 1.94
2100 878 0.69 923 0.75 1015 0.91 1101 1.08
1182 1.27 1252 1.45 1320 1.64 1388 1.85 1448 2.07
2200 916 0.78 958 0.85 1046 1.01
1129 1.19 1209 1.39 1280 1.58 1345 1.77 1410 1.97 1473 2.20
2300 954 0.89 993 0.96 1079 1.13
1160 1.31 1237 1.51 1309 1.71 1372 1.91 1434 2.11 1496 2.34
2400 993 1.00 1029 1.07 1112 1.25
1190 1.43 1264 1.63 1336 1.85 1400 2.06 1459 2.26
1519 2.48
2500 1031 1.13 1066 1.20
1145 1.39 1220 1.57 1292 1.77 1363 2.00 1428 2.22 1486 2.43 1543 2.65
Bhp —
Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp
1500 722 0.33 840 0.46 937 0.59 1027 0.74 1108 0.90 1186 1.08 1263 1.30
1343 1.58 1431 1.79 1480 1.98
1600 754 0.38 867 0.52 963 0.65 1052 0.81 1130 0.97 1205 1.15 1278 1.35
1350 1.61 1424 1.80 1473 1.99
1700 787 0.44 895 0.58 991 0.73 1075 0.88 1154 1.06 1228 1.23 1296 1.42
1364 1.64 1432 1.89 1481 2.09
1800 821 0.51 923 0.65 1019 0.81 1099 0.96 1178 1.14 1249 1.32
1316 1.52 1382 1.72 1447 1.95 1497 2.16
1900 854 0.58 953 0.73 1046 0.90 1126 1.06 1201 1.23 1274 1.43
1338 1.62 1402 1.80 1464 2.05 1514 2.27
2000 900 0.66 984 0.82 1073 0.99 1154 1.16 1226 1.33 1297 1.53
1363 1.73 1424 1.94 1484 2.16 1535 2.39
2100 923 0.75 1015 0.91 1101 1.08 1182 1.27 1252 1.45
1320 1.64 1388 1.80 1448 2.07 1505 2.29 1557 2.53
2200 958 0.85 1046 1.01 1129 1.19 1209 1.39 1280 1.58
1345 1.77 1410 1.97 1473 2.20 1529 2.43 1581 2.69
2300 993 0.96 1079 1.13 1160 1.31 1237 1.51
1309 1.71 1372 1.91 1434 2.11 1496 2.34 1554 2.58 1607 2.85
2400 1029 1.07 1112 1.25 1190 1.43 1264 1.63
1339 1.80 1400 2.06 1459 2.26 1519 2.48 1578 2.76 1632 3.05
2500 1066 1.20 1145 1.39 1220 1.57 1292 1.77
1363 2.00 1428 2.22 1486 2.43 1543 2.65 1600 2.89 1655 3.20
Bhp —
Brake Horsepower Input to Fan