
Although the juice drinks contained in this
booklet were developed with flavour, texture
and aroma at the forefront, the health
benefits certainly add to the pleasurable
taste experience.
95% of the nutrient content of fruit and
vegetables is found in the juice. Liquids
extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables
form an important part of a well-balanced
healthy diet.
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are an easy-
to-make source of vitamins and minerals.
Juices are rapidly absorbed into the blood
stream, therefore being the quickest way in
which the body can digest nutrients.
When you make your own juices, you have
complete control over what you include in
them. You select the ingredients and decide
if you need to use sugar, salt or other
flavouring agents.
Freshly extracted juices should be drunk just
after they have been made to avoid a loss of
vitamin content.
If using fruits with hard or inedible skins
such as melons, pineapple, mango and
kiwi fruit always peel before placing in the
All fruits with pips and seeds or stones
such as nectarines, peaches, apricots,
plums and cherries must be pitted before
A small amount of lemon juice can be
added to apple juice for clearer juice.
The remaining pulp left after juicing fruit or
vegetables is mostly fibre and cellulose,
which, like the juice, contains vital nutrients
necessary for the daily diet and can be used
in many ways.
However, like the juice, pulp should be used
on the day to avoid loss of vitamins.
Recipes for the use of pulp have been
included in this book (see page 17). Apart
from these, some of the other uses of pulp
are to bulk out rissoles, thicken casseroles
or soups or in the case of fruit, simply
placed in a bowl topped with meringue and
baked for a simple desert.
Quite apart from the consumption use, pulp
is great used in the garden for compost.
Possible Problem Easy Solution
Machine will not work when switched on The safety locking arms may not be correctly
locked into position. Ensure that they have
clicked into place
Motor appears to stall when juicing Wet pulp can build up under the lid if the juicing
action is too vigorous. Try slower juicing action
by pushing the food pusher down more slowly
Excess pulp building up in the Stop the juicing process and turn off power at
Stainless Steel Filter Basket power outlet. Remove the lid and scrape off the
pulp. Reassemble with safety locking arms
locked in position and begin juicing again. Try
alternating vegetable and juice varieties.
Pulp too wet and insufficient juice Try a slower juicing action. Remove mesh filter
basket and clean mesh wall with a fine brush in a
solution of 70% water and 30% bleach. This will
remove excess fibre build up (from fruit or
vegetables) which could be inhibiting the juice
Juice leaks between the rim of the lid Try slower juicing action by pushing the food
and the pulp container pusher down more slowly.
Juice sprays out from juice spout Try a slower juicing action by pushing the food
pusher down more slowly. Only allow the juice
jug to fill to three quarters of capacity, then