Makes 12
3 cups/450g plain or bread flour
¼ cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons instant active dried yeast
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¾ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons/60g butter, softened
1¼ cups/315ml water
¾ cup sultanas
2 tablespoons mixed peel, optional
Cross Batter:
¼ cup plain flour
1 tablespoon water
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup/60ml water
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
¼ teaspoon gelatine
2 teaspoons water
1. Assemble Kitchen Wizz™ Food
Processor using the Dough blade.
2. Place flour, sugar, yeast, cinnamon, salt
and butter into processing bowl. Process
until butter is absorbed into flour.
3. With the motor running, add the
sultanas and peel through the food
chute, then slowly add the water. Process
until dough forms into a ball. Add a little
extra water if necessary.
4. Remove dough and knead on a lightly
flour dusted surface. Transfer dough to
a large, lightly greased bowl, cover and
stand in a warm area until doubled in
size, approximately 40 minutes.
5. Remove dough and knead on a lightly
floured surface until smooth and elastic.
Cut dough into 12 equal pieces then knead
each piece well and shape into a ball.
6. Place dough balls into a lightly greased
28cm x 18cm lamington pan. Cover and
stand in a warm area until doubled in
size, approximately 20 minutes.
7. To make the cross batter, mix the flour
and water together in a small bowl. Place
batter into a small piping bag and pipe
mixture across the top of buns to form
a cross.
8. Bake buns in a preheated oven at 220ºC
for 15-20 minutes or until cooked and
golden brown.
9. To make the glaze, combine sugar, water
and cream of tartar in a small saucepan
and heat until dissolved. Allow the
mixture to boil for 3 minutes. Soften the
gelatine in the water, then add to the
glaze mixture by slowly swirling the pan,
do not stir.
10. Place hot buns on a cooling rack and
immediately brush or drizzle the glaze
over buns.