Tempura is a style of deep frying that
originated in Japan. It uses a very light
batter to coat seafood (particularly
shrimp) and vegetables. Tempura is then
traditionally served with a light dipping
sauce. Foods suitable for Tempura are:
• Shrimp
• Whole button mushrooms
• Sliced sweet potato
• Fresh asparagus
• Whole beans
• Whole baby corn
• Cauliflower or broccoli florets
Tempura batter
Oil for deep frying
2 cups plain flour
2 egg yolks
2 cups iced water
Selection of food from above
1. Fill deep fryer with oil to the 'MAX' level
and set the temperature to 375°F.
2. To prepare batter, sift flour into a bowl.
Make a well in the center. Add egg
yolks and iced water stirring until just
combined. The batter should be rough
and only half mixed. As batter will thicken
on standing, use immediately.
3. Coat food of choice in batter allowing
excess batter to drain off.
4. Deep fry in small batches until pale
golden, approximately 4-5 minutes
allowing the oil to recover to the correct
temperature between each batch. Place
basket in 'Load or Drain' position, and
allow excess oil to drain from food.
If batter becomes too thick, thin
down with extra iced water. When
the basket is in the ‘Frying’ position,
always use tongs and gently lower
the battered food into the oil.
When cooking foods coated with
batter, lower the frying basket
into the hot oil then carefully add
coated food directly into the oil
using metal tongs.
Placing coated food directly into
the frying basket can cause some
of the batter to adhere to the
frying basket.
Tempura Dipping Sauce
½ cup soy sauce
½ cup mirin or sherry
½ cup strained chicken stock
1. Combine soy sauce, mirin and stock.
Serve as dipping sauce for Tempura.
Tempura Batter can also be used in recipes
other than the traditional Tempura.
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