Trouble shooting
Ice making capabilities of your Breville Hemisphere
Problem Solution
Motor doesn’t start or blade doesn’t rotate • Check that the power plug is securely inserted into
the power outlet and switched on.
• Check that the blender jug and lid are securely
locked into position.
• Check that the ‘Power’ button and selected function
or speed setting is illuminated.
• Be sure to press only one speed or function button
at a time.
Food is unevenly chopped Either too much food is being chopped at one time or
the pieces are not small enough.Try cutting food into
smaller pieces of even size and processing a smaller
amount per batch. For best results the food should be
chopped into pieces no larger than 2cm.
Food is chopped too fine or is watery The food is over processed.Use brief pulses or process
for a shorter time.
Food sticks to blade Processing too much food.Turn the blender off by pressing the
‘Power’ button on the control panel.Then switch off at the power
outlet and unplug the power cord.When the blade stops rotating,
remove the blender lid and remove some food with a spatula.
Ice is not chopping to desired consistency The actual condition of the ice cubes will impact the end consistency.
Use larger, solid,dry ice on Snow/Speed 1 to create a snow
consistency. Use any type of ice on ‘ICE CRUSH’ when coarser
chopped ice is required.
Function LEDs start to flash and keys do not respond The motor is being overloaded .Unplug the blender from the mains
and let the blender cool down for 30 minutes or longer.
Trouble shooting chart
The revolutionary Breville Hemisphere Blender allows
you to make different consistencies of ice depending
on your blending needs.‘Speed 1/Snow’ and ‘AUTO
PULSE / ICE CRUSH’ offer two distinctly alternative
icy results.When using ice on either setting, be sure
to consider the actual condition of the cubes before
proceeding, as it will affect the end consistency.
‘Speed 1/Snow’ is unique to the Breville Hemisphere
Blender and will allow you to make even, powdery
snow.When making Snow, be sure to use only large,
solid, dry ice that has come straight from the freezer
(22 ºF / -5.6 ºC, or below).
If using ice cubes with ‘Speed1/Snow’ that are small,
slightly melted or even hollow, the end result may
form an igloo and leave lumps of ice. If the condition
of the ice cubes appear to be small, hollow or even
slightly melted, only use with the ‘AUTO PULSE/ICE
CRUSH’ setting.
For applications when you desire a coarse
consistency, use with the ‘AUTO PULSE / ICE CRUSH’
setting, in which case any type of ice cubes may
be used.
The ice cube matters.
To create even, powdery snow for flavored ice
drinks, be sure to only use large, solid, dry ice
that has come straight from the freezer, then
press ‘Speed 1/Snow’.
When coarser ice is required, use any type of ice,
then press 'AUTO PULSE/ICE CRUSH'.
Coarse ice is great for using as a base for fresh
oysters. Snowed ice is great for Shrimp cocktails
or slushie frozen treats!