FUEL ONLY! Factory-approved pellets are those ¼” or 5/16” in
diameter and not over 1” long. Longer or thicker pellets sometimes
bridge the auger flights, which prevents proper pellet feed. Burning
wood in forms other than pellets is not permitted. It will violate the
building codes for which the stove has been approved and will void
all warranties. The design incorporates automatic feed of the pellet
fuel into the fire at a carefully prescribed rate. Any additional fuel
introduced by hand will not increase heat output but may seriously
impair the stoves performance by generating considerable smoke.
Do not burn wet pellets. The stove’s performance depends heavily
on the quality of your pellet fuel. Avoid pellet brands that display
these characteristics:
a. Excess Fines – “Fines” is a term describing crushed pellets or
loose material that looks like sawdust or sand. Pellets can be
screened before being placed in hopper to remove most fines.
b. Binders – Some pellets are produced with materials to hold
them together, or “bind” them.
c. High ash content – Poor quality pellets will often create smoke
and dirty glass. They will create a need for more frequent
maintenance. You will have to empty the burnpot plus vacuum
the entire system more often. Poor quality pellets could
damage the auger. Breckwell cannot accept responsibility for
damage due to poor quality pellets. Your dealer can
recommend a good quality pellet dealer in your area.
Remove optional imitation log set if in use. Remove burnpot, making
sure it is clean and none of the air holes are plugged. Clean the
firebox, and then reinstall burnpot. Clean door glass if necessary (a
dry cloth or paper towel is usually sufficient). Never use abrasive
cleaners on the glass or door. Check fuel in the hopper, and refill if
NOTE: The P23 Hopper can hold up to 60 lbs. of pellets.
Never use a grate or other means of supporting the fuel. Use only
the Breckwell approved burnpot.
NOTE: During the first few fires, your stove will emit an odor as the
high temperature paint cures or becomes seasoned to the metal.
Maintaining smaller fires will minimize this. Avoid placing items on
stovetop during this period because paint could be affected.
a. Fill hopper and clean burnpot.
b. Press “On/Off” button. Make sure light is on.
c. Adjust damper to 1/4” open (pushed in is closed). This will vary
depending on your installation and elevation. Once fire is
established adjust for desired flame.
d. Adjust feed rate to desired setting by pressing “Heat Level
Advance” button.
If fire doesn’t start in 15 minutes, press “On/Off”, wait a few minutes
and start procedure again.
PANEL CONTROLS (See Figure 21)
The blowers and automatic fuel supply are controlled from a panel
on the left-hand side of the P23. The control panel functions are as