
Recipe examples
Avocado dip
Chop 1 clove garlic,
add 2 ripe avocados (quartered, without stone)
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. olive oil
150 ml yoghurt
1/2 tsp. sugar, salt and pepper
Using the turbo switch, blend for about 1 minute.
Ice cream
100 g raspberries (deep-frozen)
10 g powdered sugar
80 g cream
Put all ingredients into the jar, press the turbo switch
and blend for about 30 seconds. Serve at once.
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99410606_MR40.indd 499410606_MR40.indd 4 11.03.2010 12:22:29 Uhr11.03.2010 12:22:29 Uhr