ALWAYS cordon the area surrounding the
outriggers to keep personnel, vehicles and moving
equipment away from the machine while in use.
ALWAYS stay clear of overhead obstructions,
including wires and cables.
ALWAYS engage boom travel latches before towing
ALWAYS exercise caution when rotating the boom
from the ground control station. ALWAYS watch for
personnel inside the radius of the turntable and
boom arm when rotating the boom lift from the
ground or platform controls.
ALWAYS remove personnel from the boom lift
before attempting to free an elevated platform that
has become caught or snagged on an adjacent
structure or obstacle.
NEVER operate the machine on any surface other
than firm and level ground. NEVER operate the
machine from a position on truckbeds, trailers,
floating vessels or scaffolding without written
approval from the manufacturer.
NEVER operate lift functions on slopes exceeding
NEVER allow electrode contact with any part of the
machine while welding from the platform. NEVER
use the machine as a ground for welding.
NEVER operate without the outriggers fully
extended or when the machine is not level.
NEVER position an elevated platform against
another object to steady the platform
NEVER override or bypass the manufacturer’s
safety devices.
NEVER attach a safety harness to an adjacent
structure, pole, or to nearby equipment while
working from the boom platform.
NEVER raise the outriggers while boom is raised or
NEVER sit, stand or climb on cage bars. ALWAYS
keep both feet firmly on the work cage floor when
working from an elevated platform.
NEVER attempt to increase the working height with
boxes, ladders, stools or any other materials.
NEVER operate this equipment when exposed to
high winds, thunderstorms, ice or any weather
conditions that would compromise operator safety.
NEVER operate boom lift in conditions where wind
speeds exceed 12.5 m/sec (45 km/h or 28 mph).
High winds may affect stability and boom operation.
NEVER allow ropes, electric cords, hoses or other
equipment to become entangled in the machine
while raising or lowering platform.
NEVER exceed the load limits set by the
manufacturer. Use only the Material Lifting Hook,
supplied as an option and manufactured by Bil-Jax,
when lifting materials. Safely stow all tools and
NEVER exceed load ratings by transferring loads to
the lift at elevated heights.
NEVER use the platform to lift a load that exceeds
the platform dimensions. NEVER lift a load in such a
way that the center of gravity is higher than the top
guardrail of the platform.
NEVER modify the platform or carry materials that
would increase the surface area of the platform.
Increasing the area exposed to the wind may
decrease machine stability. NEVER attach
overhanging loads when raising or lowering the
NEVER use the boom or platform to push or pull or
to lift any part of the machine.
NEVER use the boom or platform to place a load
against any structure, materials or equipment.
NEVER climb on the boom.
NEVER leave an elevated platform unattended.
NEVER leave the keys in the boom lift while
unattended or not in use.
Drive Safety
ALWAYS maintain an awareness of limited sight and
blind spots when operating drive functions.
ALWAYS limit travel speed according to surface
conditions, slope, location of personnel and
obstructions and any other factors which may result
in collision.
NEVER operate drive functions on slopes exceeding
NEVER engage in stunt driving, horseplay or any
other behavior considered unsafe according to
employer, job site and/or government regulations.
NEVER operate the internal combustion engine in
an area that is not properly ventilated.
NEVER fuel the internal combustion engine while
smoking, or while near spark or open flame.