Chapter 10 Configuring the NetServer
◊ Select No for manual NOS installation. Perform a manual NOS
installation if
you are installing a NOS other than certain versions of
Novell NetWare / IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server, or
if you have replaced any HP components with non-HP components
other than Network Interface cards on the TPL.
• Configure Mass Storage: The HP NetServer is shipped with the hot-swap
drive unconfigured. If you are using integrated NetRAID on one or two
channels, run HP NetRAID Assistant to configure one or more RAID
logical drives. Select "Execute" on the Configure Disk Array screen to
start the HP NetRAID Assistant. For more information, refer to the
Integrated HP NetRAID Controller Configuration Guide.
• Install NOS:
◊ Automated NOS Installation: For certain versions of Novell NetWare /
IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server, Configuration
Assistant partitions and formats the hard disk drive, and Installation
Assistant guides you through the NOS installation and configures the
NOS with the appropriate drivers for the HP-bundled configuration
and for Network Interface Cards on HP’s TPL.
◊ Manual NOS Installation: Before you perform a manual NOS
installation, you must
instructions and manually create NOS-
specific drivers diskettes, as follows:
◊ Create Drivers Diskette(s): On the Create Drivers Diskette(s)
screen, select "Create Drivers Diskette(s)" to create one or more
customized diskettes containing HP drivers and configuration files
to use when you install the NOS.
◊ Print and Read Instructions: On the Show NOS Installation
Instructions screen, select "Save to Disk" to copy the Network
Operating System Installation Instructions to disk. Print out the
instructions and then follow them to manually install the NOS.
• Update System BIOS: This step appears if Configuration Assistant detects
that a newer version of the BIOS is available on the HP NetServer
Navigator CD-ROM. You must update your BIOS to the new version if
you want to continue in Express mode. You can also update the language
that the BIOS displays.
• Configure ISA Non-Plug-and-Play Board: If you have installed an ISA
non-Plug-and-Play board, and you have not reserved system resources for