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Printer Connection Properties
When a printer is selected, the “Connection” tab of the “Device
Properties” screen offers additional functionality specific to printers.
In particular, you can select one of three options for automatically
connecting the device.
If the printer is being shared among multiple computers, we recommend
selecting “This is a shared printer, automatically connect and disconnect
only when printing”. With this option, the printer is automatically
connected when a print job is sent to it, then is disconnected as soon as
the job completes so the printer is then available for other computers.
Check “Automatically connect this device when the Home Base Control
Center starts” if you want this computer to automatically connect to
this printer each time the computer starts, preventing other users from
connecting to the printer automatically.
You can force users to manually connect to the printer with the “Never
automatically connect, I will always connect manually” option.
The “Printer” field is enabled if you select one of the automatic
connection options. From the drop-down list, select the printer driver
associated with this printer.
Connections to devices may occasionally be lost due to network
failures or other factors. If you want the Control Center to automatically
reconnect with the device should this occur, check “Attempt to
reconnect the device if a connection is lost”. The Control Center will try
to reconnect with the device until the connection is reestablished or the
computer is shut down.
Use the “Program” field to specify settings for any software associated
with this printer. You can also check “Disconnect this device when the
program is closed” if you want to free up the device for use by other
computers when you close the software.
In the “Program” field, browse to find the software you want to associate
with the printer. You can also enter the path to the software directly into
the field. Once your settings are saved, only the name of the program
appears in the “Program” field.