
Console Column
The Console currently viewing the computer is indicated in this column.
Security Page
The “Security” page allows the administrator to restrict computer access
for the KVM Switch’s users. There are three levels of user access to the
KVM Switch: Administrator, User, and Guest. The administrator is the only
user that can access the setup pages to configure the KVM Switch. The
administrator can restrict users and guests from accessing specific
computers. All users can switch computers and toggle the AutoScan
function in the main page. In addition, the guest is the default user (you
never have to login as “Guest”), so all users logoff to “Guest” when the
account is enabled.
If the administrator has removed guest access, video will go black when
the user logs out the computer, and that port will lose control of the
computer. The hot keys and the front panel are also disabled; the only
command sequence the KVM Switch will accept is “SL+SL+Space” (open
IntelliView), which will present the user with the login dialog box.
The “User” accounts defined in the KVM Switch can be used by
individuals or groups of individuals; the names of the users are fixed.
Group Column
The “Group” column displays the name of the group to which the
computer has been assigned. The computer list can be sorted on this field
by clicking the mouse on the column header.
Computer Name Column
The “Computer Name” column displays the name of each connected
computer. The computer list can be sorted on this field by clicking on the
column header.
User Columns (1, 2, 3, G)
These columns allow administrators to set the access rights to each
computer for each of the “User” groups (1, 2, 3, and Guest). To restrict a
user from a particular computer, click in the corresponding cell in the list
box. The padlock indicates that the user (column) will be restricted from
accessing that computer (row). Empty cells indicate that the user has full
access to that computer.
Note: When the Guest User is enabled, it defines the minimum privileges
that anyone can access. It is possible to restrict User accounts more than
the guest account; this is a potential mistake to avoid.
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