Bluetooth Client Connectivity
The current firmware release supports general AP functionality. From a Bluetooth client,
you can perform Device Discovery and Service Discovery on the AP, and attach to the
network via LAN access over PPP profile. The AP has a built-in NAT router that supplies
clients with internal IP addresses and routes Bluetooth clients over the LAN interface
to network resources and the Internet.
The AP will use its host name (name) when discovered by clients. The default name for
a unit is Belkin_XYZ, where XYZ is the last three bytes of the Ethernet (MAC) address
printed on the unit’s label. For example, if the unit’s address is 00:06:66:00:12:34,
then the Bluetooth name for the unit will be Belkin_1234.
You can change the host name via the web manager to any name you prefer, just
remember to use unique names for multiple units in proximity of each other on
your network.
The AP is shipped without any requirements for name and password for connecting
from a Bluetooth client (such as a PC). However, this can be changed such that the AP
will require a username and password. The only settings required by PPP are a login
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