To change your password, please choose the Set Password option from
Configure - Network menu
Monitor Screen
This dialog box allows you to change displayed items in the Scroll
screen of the Information Display Area
Language: Choose a language that suits your operating system needs.
Program will automatically replace the on-line help file and audio files to
your selected preferences.
Meters: Press the Main button from the Bottom Layer Buttons, and you
will see that there are two meters in the information area. You can
change the displayed items of the two meters.
Scroll Window: Press the Scroll button from the Bottom Layer Buttons,
and the scroll window will display the information in this area. This item
allows you to change the display menu and its items.
This menu allows you to change the font size of Bulldog Monitor window.
This menu allows you to change the display items in the Information
Display Area. The items in the menu refer to each button in the Bottom
Layer Buttons.
Belkin Components