The fridge is running frequently or for a long time.
• Yournewproductmaybewiderthanthepreviousone.Thisisquitenormal.
Large refrigerators operate for a longer period of time.
• Theambientroomtemperaturemaybehigh.Thisisquitenormal.
• Therefrigeratormighthavebeenpluggedinrecentlyormighthavebeenloaded
with food. Cooling down of the refrigerator completely may last for a couple of
hours longer.
• Largeamountsofhotfoodmighthavebeenputintherefrigeratorrecently.Hot
food causes longer running of the refrigerator until they reach the safe storage
• Doorsmighthavebeenopenedfrequentlyorleftajarforalongtime.Thewarm
air that has entered into the refrigerator causes the refrigerator to run for longer
periods. Open the doors less frequently.
• Freezerorfridgecompartmentdoormighthavebeenleftajar.Checkifthedoors
are tightly closed.
• Therefrigeratorisadjustedtoaverylowtemperature.Adjusttherefrigerator
temperature to a warmer degree and wait until the temperature is achieved.
• Doorsealofthefridgeorfreezermaybesoiled,wornout,brokenornotproperly
seated. Clean or replace the seal. Damaged/broken seal causes the refrigerator
to run for a longer period of time in order to maintain the current temperature.
Freezer temperature is very low while the fridge temperature is sufficient.
• Thefreezertemperatureisadjustedtoaverylowtemperature.Adjustthefreezer
temperature to a warmer degree and check.
Fridge temperature is very low while the freezer temperature is sufficient.
• Thefridgetemperaturemighthavebeenadjustedtoaverylowtemperature.
Adjust the fridge temperature to a warmer degree and check.
Food kept in the fridge compartment drawers are freezing.
• Thefridgetemperaturemighthavebeenadjustedtoaverylowtemperature.
Adjust the fridge temperature to a warmer degree and check.
Temperature in the fridge or freezer is very high.
• Thefridgetemperaturemighthavebeenadjustedtoaveryhighdegree.
Fridge adjustment has an effect on the temperature of the freezer. Change
the temperature of the fridge or freezer until the fridge or freezer temperature
reaches to a sufficient level.
• Doorsmighthavebeenopenedfrequentlyorleftajarforalongtime;openthem
less frequently.
• Doormighthavebeenleftajar;closethedoorcompletely.
• Largeamountofhotfoodmighthavebeenputintherefrigeratorrecently.Wait
until the fridge or freezer reaches the desired temperature.
• Therefrigeratormighthavebeenpluggedinrecently.Coolingdownofthe
refrigerator completely takes time.