Start the Burner
Start Burner and Vent Air From Oil Line
Disable Function
Any time the motor is running, press and hold the reset
button to disable the burner. The burner will remain off
as long as the button is held and will return to standby
when released.
Cad Cell Resistance Measurement:
If the Beckett 7505 control is equipped with the GeniSys
Display Module, part 52067U, the cad cell resistance can
be selected and read on the LCD screen. Also, the GeniSys
Contractor Tool, part 52082U, can be used for this purpose.
If these are not available, the cad cell leads can be
unplugged from the control and the resistance measured
with a meter in the conventional way. Conduct these
tests with fl ame present.
Table 5 - 7505 Flame Detection
Flame Detection Range
Normal = 0 to 1600 ohms
Limited = 1600 ohms to lockout
Table 6 - 7184 Status Light Explanation
LED Indicator Status
On Flame sensed
Off Flame not sensed
(1/2 sec off - 1/2 sec on)
Restricted Lockout
(2 sec off - 2 sec on)
Table 7 - 7505 Status Light Explanation
On Continuously Flashing
Red Restricted (Hard) Lockout Soft Lockout
Flame Sensed during normal
operation (Could be stray light
during standby)
Control is in Pump Prime mode or
Reset button currently held
for 15+ seconds.
Section: Start the Burner
Explosion and Fire Hazard
Failure to follow these instructions could
lead to equipment malfunction and result
in heavy smoke emission, soot-up, hot
gas puff-back, fi re and asphyxiation
Do not attempt to start the burner when excess oil
has accumulated in the appliance, the appliance is
full of vapor, or when the combustion chamber is
very hot.
Do not attempt to re-establish fl ame with the burner
running if the fl ame becomes extinguished during
start-up, venting, or adjustment.
Vapor-Filled Appliance: Allow the unit to cool off
and all vapors to dissipate before attempting another
Oil-Flooded Appliance: Shut off the electrical
power and the oil supply to the burner and then clear
all accumulated oil before continuing.
If the condition still appears unsafe, contact the Fire
Department. Carefully follow their directions.
Keep a fi re extinguisher nearby and ready for use.
Professional Service
Incorrect installation, adjustment, and
use of this burner could result in severe
personal injury, death, or substantial
Please read and understand the manual supplied with
this equipment. This equipment must be installed,
adjusted and put into operation only by a qualifi ed
individual or service agency that is:
Licensed or certifi ed to install and provide technical
service to oil heating systems.
Experienced with all applicable codes, standards
and ordinances.
Responsible for the correct installation and
commission of this equipment.
Skilled in the adjustment of oil burners using
combustion test instruments.
The installation must strictly comply with all applicable
codes, authorities having jurisdiction and the latest
revision of the National Fire Protection Association
Standard for the installation of Oil-burning Equipment,
NFPA 31 (or CSA B139 and B140 in Canada).
Regulation by these authorities take precedence over
the general instructions provided in this installation
Hot Gas Puff-back and
Heavy Smoke Hazard
Failure to bleed the pump properly
could result in unstable combustion,
hot gas puff-back and heavy smoke.
Do not allow oil to intermittently spray into a hot
combustion chamber while bleeding.
Install a gauge in the nozzle discharge port tubing or
fully open the pump bleed valve to prevent oil spray from
accumulating in the combustion chamber when venting
air from the fuel pump.
Ensure that all bubbles and froth are purged from the oil
supply system before tightening the pump air bleed valve.