
Contact Information
To contact Avaya technical support:
From the United States:
Please call 1-800-237-0016, press 0, then press 73300.
From outside the United States:
EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Email: csctechnical@avaya.com
AP (Asia Pacific). Email: sgcoe@avaya.com
CALA (Caribbean and Latin America). Email: caladatasupp@avaya.com
Hot Line: +1 720 4449 998
Fax: +1 720 444 9103
L For updated information, visit www.avaya.com/support
All trademarks, registered trademarks, service names, product and/or brand names are the sole property of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2002, Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalog No. DO0648 Rev. 0. May 2002
Country Local Dial-In Number
Albania +31 70 414 8001
Austria +43 1 36 0277 1000
Azerbaijan +31 70 414 8047
Bahrain +800 610
Belgium +32 2 626 8420
Belorussia +31 70 414 8047
Bosnia Herzegovina +31 70 414 8042
Bulgaria +31 70 414 8004
Croatia +31 70 414 8039
Cyprus +31 70 414 8005
Czech Rep. +31 70 414 8006
Denmark +45 8233 2807
Egypt +31 70 414 8008
Estonia +372 6604736
Finland +358 981 710 081
France +33 1 4993 9009
Germany +49 69 95307 680
Ghana +31 70 414 8044
Gibraltar +31 70 414 8013
Greece +00800 3122 1288
Hungary +06800 13839
Iceland +0800 8125
Country Local Dial-In Number
Ireland +353 160 58 479
Israel +1 800 93 00 900
Italy +39 02 7541 9636
Jordan +31 70 414 8045
Kazakhstan +31 70 414 8020
Kenya +31 70 414 8049
Kuwait +31 70 414 8052
Latvia +371 721 4368
Lebanon +31 70 414 8053
Lithuania +370 2 756 800
Luxemburg +352 29 6969 5624
Macedonia +31 70 414 8041
Malta +31 70 414 8022
Mauritius +31 70 414 8054
Morocco +31 70 414 8055
Netherlands +31 70 414 8023
Nigeria +31 70 414 8056
Norway +47 235 001 00
Oman +31 70 414 8057
Pakistan +31 70 414 8058
Poland +0800 311 1273
Country Local Dial-In Number
Qatar +31 70 414 8059
Portugal +351 21 318 0047
Romania +31 70 414 8027
Russia +7-095-733-9055
Saudi Arabia +31 70 414 8022
Slovakia +31 70 414 8066
Slovenia +31 70 414 8040
South Africa +0800 995 059
Spain +34 91 375 3023
Sweden +46 851 992 080
Switzerland +41 22 827 8741
Tanzania +31 70 414 8060
Tunisia +31 70 414 8069
Turkey +800 4491 3919
Uganda +31 70 414 8061
Ukraine +31 70 414 8035
UAE +31 70 414 8036
UK +44 0207 5195000
Uzbekistan +31 70 414 8046
Yemen +31 70 414 8062
Yugoslavia +31 70 414 8038
Zimbabwe +31 70 414 8063
Country Local Dial-In Number
Australia +1800 255 233
Hong Kong +2506 5451
Indonesia +800 1 225 227
Japan +0 120 766 227
Country Local Dial-In Number
Korea +0 80 766 2580
Malaysia +1800 880 227
New Zealand +00 800 9828 9828
Country Local Dial-In Number
Philippines +1800 1888 7798
Singapore +1800 872 8717
Taiwan +0 80 025 227