Maintaining PCI cards
Issue 2.0 June 2004 63
PCI slot LEDs for hot-plug operation
The PCI slot LEDs are located on the vertical bracket on the right side of the PCI slots and
are visible when the left door is open. There is a hot-plug button and three LEDs for each
PCI slot, as shown below.
The PCI slot LEDs are defined as follows:
Icon Name LED function
Power on Lights when the slot is receiving power.
Fault Blinks while the card is being tested, when a hot-plug
operation is in progress, or when the card is turned on
but logically detached from the operating system.
Stays lit if the card encounters a fault.
OK-to-Remove Lights when it is safe to remove the card.
Important: If this LED stays lit after inserting a card,
you must shut down the system, reinsert
the card, and reboot the system. Consult
the customer before you shut down the