
Connect Media Gateways
18 Quick Start for Hardware Installation: G700 Media Gateway & S8300 Media Server
3. For multiple stack redundancy, connect
the stacks using the black X330RC
redundancy cable and the gray X330LC
long cable:
Connect the light gray connector of the
black X330RC redundancy cable to the
port labeled “Cable to upper unit” on
the top unit of the stack 2.
Connect the dark gray connector of the
black X330RC redundancy cable to the
port labeled “Cable to lower unit” on
the top unit of the stack1.
Connect the light gray connector of the
gray X3300LC long cable to the port
labeled “Cable to upper unit” on the top
unit of the stack 1.
Connect the dark gray connector of the
gray X330LC long cable to the port
labeled “Cable to lower unit” on the
bottom unit of the stack 2.
Multiple-stack redundancy