Connect Media Gateways
18 Quick Start for Hardware Installation: G700 Media Gateway & S8300 Media Server
3. For multiple stack redundancy, connect
the stacks using the black X330RC
redundancy cable and the gray X330LC
long cable:
● Connect the light gray connector of the
black X330RC redundancy cable to the
port labeled “Cable to upper unit” on
the top unit of the stack 2.
● Connect the dark gray connector of the
black X330RC redundancy cable to the
port labeled “Cable to lower unit” on
the top unit of the stack1.
● Connect the light gray connector of the
gray X3300LC long cable to the port
labeled “Cable to upper unit” on the top
unit of the stack 1.
● Connect the dark gray connector of the
gray X330LC long cable to the port
labeled “Cable to lower unit” on the
bottom unit of the stack 2.
Multiple-stack redundancy