Installation of the G350 Media Gateway 57
December 2003
After installation
overview, 53
testing the installation, 53
Analog telephone, connecting, 45
Analog trunk, connecting, 47
Avaya Partner Contact Closure Adjunct, 52
Before installation
environmental verification, 16
grounding verification, 16
power verification, 16
read the planning docmentation, 14
required equipment, 17
site requirements, 16
unpacking, 15
CBC (Coupled Bonding Conductor), 51
dimensions and weight, 55
see G350 chassis installation, 19
Circuit protection, installing, 49
Clearance, front and rear, 55
Combined remote and on-site configuration,
assisting, 40
Configuration methods, 40
Configuration preparations
equipment, 33
introduction, 33
with an S8300, 36
without an S8300, 34
Configuration, assisting
combined remote and on-site configuration, 40
on-site configuration, 40, 41
overview, 40
remote configuration, 40
Connecing power to the G350, 31
Connecting devices
analog telephone, connecting, 45
analog trunk, connecting, 47
Avaya Partner Contact Closure Adjunct, installing, 52
circuit protection devices, installing, 49
connection order, 43
Coupled Bonding Conductor, installing, 51
Connecting devices, (continued)
DCP telephone, connecting
, 46
E1/T1 trunk, connecting, 47
IP telephones, connecting, 44
ISDN trunk, connecting, 48
network, connecting, 43
non-IP telephones, connecting, 45
over-voltage protection devices, installing, 49
router, connecting, 51
sneak-current protection devices, installing, 49
trunks, connecting, 45
WAN endpoint device, connecting, 50
Coupled Bonding Conductor, 51
DCP telephone, connecting, 46
Devices, connecting
see Connecting devices, 43
E1 trunk, connecting, 47
Equipment required for installation
gathering, 17
removing, 54
G350 chassis installation
overview, 19
rack mounting, 19
tabletop installation, 22
wall mounting, 22
G350 Media Gateway installation
attaching ground conductors, 27
connecting devices, 43
connecting power, 31
inserting the S8300 server module, 25
installing the chassis, 19
installing the media modules, 23
order of installation, 19
Ground conductors, attaching
approved grounds, 29
general requirements, 28
ground wires, attaching, 30
overview, 27
safety ground, connecting, 30