Appendix A Push XML API
Push XML API Operation
Broadcast Server User Guide
Alert action specifies how the Application Gateway is to handle the alert:
• If the alert is active, schedule and push it to the phone and also save it
in the alert history list. Action = schedule.
• If the alert is active, schedule and push it to the phone but do not save
it in the alert history list. Action = push.
• Remove the alert from the schedule and from the phone’s alert history
list. Action = delete.
The following PushMessage child elements further define the alert:
Recipient, page 60
Subject, Body, Image, Audio, Button, page 60
Schedule, page 61
Note See “ManagePushMessage,” page 65 for a detailed explanation of the
One or more Recipient elements can be included in a PushMessage
element. Recipient element attributes specify the destination phone(s)
and/or distribution list(s) of the alert.
Subject, Body, Image, Audio, Button
The following elements define the contents of an alert:
• Subject: The alert title, displayed at the top of the phone screen and
also in the alert history list.
• Body: The text of the alert.
• Image: An optional image URL to be sent with the alert.
• Audio: An optional audio URL to be sent with the alert.
• Button: Optional soft keys to be sent with the alert. Button attributes
specify the button labels, order, and whether a button dials a phone
number or displays a Web URL. The contents of the Button element
defines the number to dial or the URL to display. (OK and Exit soft
keys are automatically added to an alert. OK returns to the alert list;
Exit returns to the Voice Office menu.)