D - Date Set
d <mm/dd/yy>
The Date Set command is used to set the date for the RPSD Key’s internal calendar. You should
set the date when you begin using the Key just to be certain that it is correct. To check the date
you can use the Status Display command described in this section.
In the above syntax,
d is the command and <mm/dd/yy> is the date in month, day, and year
format. Be certain to use two digits for each part of the date, including a zero at the beginning
for months or days less than 10 (for example, 08/01/90). Only the last two digits are used for the
year. Also be certain to separate the month, day, and year with the slash (/) character.
Sample Command and Response:
> d 08/14/90
08/14/90 13:14:13 Date Changed OK
C - Clock Set
c <hh:mm>
Set the clock to local time standards in 24 hour clock format (for example, 16:00 for 4:00 PM).
The clock must be set in order to ensure the accuracy of the History Log.
Be certain to use a colon (:) to separate the hours and minutes. Also be certain to use a leading
zero if setting the time less than 10:00.
Sample Command and Response:
> c 13:15
8/14/90 13:15:00 Time Changed OK
RPSD Key User Command Set