Email & Messaging
22 MOTO Q 9h
Set Up Corporate Email
Your Windows® Mobile powered phone can connect to corporate email
accounts like Microsoft® Exchange or Lotus Notes. These accounts are managed by
your IT organization. To set up these accounts on your MOTO Q 9h, you can use
Xpress Mail™ (for self-service access, described on page 22) or
Good Mobile Messaging and Microsoft® DIrect Push (for access with assistance
from your IT organization, described on page 23).
Note: For functions such as web browsing and email, AT&T recommends that you
subscribe to an unlimited data plan. Call AT&T at 611 to sign up for a data plan.
Set Up Self-Service Corporate Email with Xpress Mail™
To set up corporate Xpress Mail, you need to know your work email address and
what kind of mail server your company has (Microsoft® Exchange, Lotus Notes, or
IMAP). Once you know this, complete these steps on your work computer, with
an Internet connection:
1. Go to the Web page
2. Click on Register Now and fill in your information.
Note: You will create an Xpress Mail user name and password in this step.
Remember these for later in the setup.