
7-12 Issue 2 April 1996
Serial I/O Cards
Section Overview
Administration Procedures
Section Overview
Introduction This section provides guidelines for administering Serial I/O port
cards. These guidelines apply to all of the port cards discussed
earlier in this chapter.
When to use Use these procedures after you have installed the device driver.
for using vi
Use the vi, or another UNIX editor, to complete the procedures in
this chapter. Appendix C describes some basic vi operations.
In this
This section includes the following information.
Be sure to perform the procedures in the sequence shown above.
For this information … See page …
Equinox XP 7-8
To Assign Devices to the Proxy Agent 7-13
To Verify Device Types 7-15
To Verify Dial Strings 7-16
To Create Port Monitor Entries 7-18