ASAI Script Builder Actions
The “Call State” field stores the status of the call. If a call transfer was attempted,
the Call State field will have one of the following values:
■ 0 — Call State information not available.
■ 1 — Destination Number is ringing (alerting).
■ 4 — Transfer was denied. Check the Cause Value field for additional infor-
■ 5 — Call to Destination Number is queued until a line becomes available.
■ 7 — Destination Number is busy.
■ 8 — The destination address seized a non-ISDN trunk (trunk seizure).
■ 9 — The destination address is interworking with a non-ISDN trunk (cut-
The Call State field contains the status of the call when A_Tran
returns 0, -53, -60, -61, and -62 in “Return Field”.
The “Cause Value” field returns an error cause if the transfer is not successful.
Note that the “Cause Value” field contains the reason for the failure if A_Tran
returns -16, -17, -18, -19, or -20 in the Return Field. Otherwise, if A_Tran is suc-
cessful, the Cause Value is set to -1. Refer to the VIS Value column in Table D-6
in Appendix D, “Troubleshooting ASAI” for a complete listing of Cause Values.
The “Return Field” returns a code indicating whether A_Tran was successful.
A_Tran attempts to complete (merge) the transfer if the call is not busy or denied.
If the A_Tran action is successful, it returns a number greater than or equal to
zero. Otherwise A_Tran reconnects back to the original caller if necessary and
returns one of the following negative values:
■ -4 — ASAI link is down and transfer information cannot be performed.
Refer to Appendix D, “Troubleshooting ASAI” for information on trouble-
shooting the ASAI digital link.
■ -5 — Illegal request. The call is not being monitored so no transfer informa-
tion is available. Refer to Chapter 4, "ASAI Administration" for information
on Channel Administration and Domain Administration.
■ -6 — Switch did not respond with the transfer information.
■ -16 — A_Tran received an error from the ASAI system when trying to take
control of the original call. Check the Cause Value field for information on
why the request failed.
■ -1 — A_Tran could not send the request to take control of the original call.
Check the Message Log Report for system errors. Refer to Chapter 4,
“Reports Administration” in the
CONVERSANT Voice Information System
for information.