AUDIX Network Testing 14-27
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Log In to the Remote Adjunct
1. After the automatic or demand update has completed, log in to the remote system and check the
list : extension : remote form to see if the subscribers from the local system are now
identified by the remote system.
You can also check the number of remote and non-administered remote subscribers
shown on the traffic : feature : day form. The total of these two fields
should equal the number of local subscribers shown on this same form at the other
AUDIX system.
Check the type field. If any of the subscribers are type v (verified) or are type u (unknown), there
may be a minor problem. Most likely the subscriber(s) extension and/or name is duplicated
somewhere in the network. Check the following:
a. The subscriber’s extension must be within the address range of their local AUDIX system.
b. Go to the subscriber : remote form, enter the subscriber name or extension/machine
name, and press ENTER . See if more than one machine name is listed. If so, the subscriber
cannot be pinpointed to a single AUDIX system. Check for the appearance of the extension at
multiple systems. Also, see if the subscriber’s alphanumeric name on the subscriber :
local form matches another subscriber’s name. Keep in mind that the alphanumeric pattern
is converted to a touch-tone key pattern. For example, ‘Smith, Randy’ (7-6-4-8-4, 7-2-6-3-9)
and ‘Smith, Sandy’ appear the same to the AUDIX system.
c. At the remote AUDIX system, check the administrator’s log to see if the subscriber has a
‘‘name not recorded’’ entry. If so, record the name. The update facility, at the scheduled
interval, will then transmit the change to the other AUDIX systems and will change the
subscriber status to administered .
d. At the remote AUDIX system, see if the subscriber has a valid
profile (subscriber : local).
e. See if the number of subscribers being added to the system (both local and remote) exceeds the
limit assigned on the system : limits form.
2. Repeat step 2 at the local system to see that the subscribers at the remote system are now identified at
the local system.
Step 3: Performing Voice Mail Test
1. At the Local Switch, create a message and manually address it to remote subscribers as follows:
a. Log in to the AUDIX system and create a message such as ‘‘I am testing manual addressing to
remote subscribers. Please call me to verify that you have received the message.’’ The
message header will tell them who to call.
b. When requested to enter an extension, enter a remote subscriber address as specified on the
system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery form,
followed by #. Enter one remote subscriber from each remote switch.
c. When finished addressing, press * * # for immediate delivery.