Set Local Area Codes
Local Area Codes are area codes associated with other phone numbers for
which you must dial the area code, but do not dial “1”. This includes your
own area code if you must dial the area code but no “1”to make calls in
your own area code.
You can program up to four Local Area Codes.
Do not program area codes for which you must dial a “1”.
If you dial… For… Then, in Steps 2-4
11 digits All calls outside Make no entry
(1 + area code + phone number) your own area code
10 digits Some calls outside Enter area codes that
(area code + phone number) your own area code do not require a “1”
10 digits All calls within your Enter your own area
(area code + phone number) own area code code
1 Press and release N until the screen displays:
2 Press - or + until the screen displays the first digit of the
first Local Area Code. Do not use the keypad to enter digits.
3 Press D.
4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the second and third digits of the
first Local Area Code.
5 Press D.
6 To program another Local Area Code,press D until
the screen displays:
7 Repeat Steps 2–5 to enter the digits of the next Local Area Code.
8 Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to program a third and fourth Local
Area Code.