
Allows multiline voice terminal users whose calls are covered to temporarily direct some
incoming calls to coverage and turn off their ringers to these calls.
This feature is activated by pressing the SEND ALL CALLS button. It is deactivated by
pressing the button a second time.
Send All Calls is a relevant feature only for stations that have some form of coverage
treatment. Activating the feature has no effect at stations with no coverage; it cannot be
used simply to create a “do-not-disturb” condition.
When Send All Calls is activated, full (repeated) ringing for incoming calls
must occur
If there is a coverage station that has an idle COVER button and is on-hook, then
ringing is sent to the coverage station; the call flashes at the sending station.
If there is no coverage station that has an idle COVER button and is on-hook, the
incoming call will remain at the sending station and ring, even though Send All Calls
is in effect.
When Send All Calls is in effect at a station, ringing at that station is not necessarily
canceled completely.
A single-ring reminder for incoming calls is optional, assigned by the
System Administrator for each Send All Calls button.
Single-ring reminder sounds under
the following conditions:
Send All Calls is activated, and a call goes to coverage.
A covering receiver is not available, and a call comes in while this station is off-hook;
this occurs even if single-ring reminder was not assigned.
The following types of calls always ring at a station, regardless of the
StatUS of Send All
Automatic Intercom calls.
Directed Night Service calls.
Calls to a PDC that is logged in at the station.
Calls returning to a DTAC on RTN-BUSY or RTN-DA buttons.
Send All Calls must be assigned to a button that has a status light. The light turns on when
the feature is activated.
Call Coverage: If no coverage station is available (that is, on-hook with an idle
COVER button) to accept a redirected call from a station with Send All Calls
activated, the call remains at the sending station and rings.