2 ©2007 • All rights reserved.
Storm Series Ceiling Speakers
2. System Design/Applications
ATON Ceiling speakers are designed primarily to be installed in drywall ceilings, but it is pos-
sible to install them in other materials. Prior to installation, it is essential to determine the type
of application, and, therefore, the placement of the speakers in the ceiling. There are three
typical applications that ATON Ceiling speakers will be used for: Stereo, Mono/DVC, and Home
In areas that have a defi ned listening area where two speakers will be mounted more or less
equidistant from each other, use a stereo setup with left and right speakers each connected
to their own channel of a stereo receiver or amplifi er. This application provides the best sound
quality, staging, and depth possible in areas with a defi ned listening position. Figure 2.1 shows
an example of a stereo listening area.
Figure 2.1 - Stereo Application
In many instances, mono or DVC setup will provide a better listening experience in spaces with-
out a defi ned listening area. Mono applications combine the left and right signals to provide the
full sound of an audio signal to each speaker in the system without left/right separation. DVC
applications send the left signal to one voice coil and the right signal to another voice coil, es-
sentially creating a stereo pair in one speaker cabinet. Figure 2.2 shows an A62ST DVC Speaker
in a kitchen.
Figure 2.2 - Mono/DVC Application