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Note: For better functionality of the IR, we suggest to place the IR receiver Eye at the IR Eye of the controlling source.
8) EDID Settings:
There are three DIP switches on the back of the switcher. Below you will nd the denition of each one of the
dip switches.
Position1 Position2 Position3 Function
0 0 1 Copy EDID from output #1 (DIP # 2)
0 1 0 1080P with Stereo Audio (DIP #3)
0 1 1 1080i/720p with Stereo Audio (DIP #4)
1 0 0 1080P with 5.1 Audio (DIP #5)
1 0 1 1080P with 7.1 Audio (DIP #6)
with one RJ45 (OPTIONAL) (DIP #7)
1 1 1 Copy EDID from output #1
with one RJ45 (OPTIONAL) (DIP #8)
1) Connect the HDMI input sources (such as HD-DVD, PS3, AppleTV, DirecTV etc) into the inputs on AT-PRO-
2) Connect the HDMI outputs from AT-PROHD48M-SR (such as LCD, Plasma, LED, Projector, Monitor)
3) Power on the input source you want to show. (Keep the unused input power off, otherwise it may interfere
with the normal display.)
4) Use IR remote, front panel, RS232, TCP/IP or RS485 connections to choose desired input source.
5) IR calls back from remote locations allows controlling the matrix switch as well as nearby sources (such as
DVD, AppleTV, Satellite, Cable and etc…).
Note: To enable the function: press the output2 selection button and the key lock button at the same time for
about 3 seconds. After all the output1 LEDs and the output2 LEDs ash once, the function is enabled.
*Disable the function: press the output2 selection button and the key lock button at the same time for about 3
seconds. After all the output1 LEDS and the output2 LEDS ash twice, the function is disabled.
7) Instruction on IR Emitter.
The sequence of “IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4” one-to-one correspond with “HDMI INPUTS1 through 4”. When an output
chooses certain input, the call-back IR signal of RJ45 on this output will choose the corresponding “IR” port to
send the signal out.
For example, OUTPUT1 chooses INPUT3, then the call-back IR signal of RJ45 on OUTPUT1 will choose “IR
3” to send the signal out.