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TX – Connects to the Switch
RX – Connects to the HDMI Receivers
RS232 Control:
Baud Rate: 9600 bps
Data bits: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1 bit
Flow control: None
The AT-PROHD44M-SR comes with 16 button IR remote control, which could be used to
control the switcher when pointing at it or controlling the switcher from a remote location
by pointing the remote control to the IR Eye connected to the HDMI receiver.
For users who would like to use a 3rd part IR remote control or IR remote system, we
recommend either learning IR codes off the remote or copying and pasting the IR HEX
website under downloads for AT-PROHD44M-SR.
There are 2 scenarios which codes to use:
• User will need to learn all 64 x codes in order to control each location when pointing at
the switcher
• User will only need to learn 8 x codes if there will be a separate remote for each
remote location
Note: The switcher can only accept and route IR signal which doesn’t exceed 38 KHz. In
other words, if you are trying to send IR signal from the remote location though out HDMI
receiver and the IR signal is higher than 38 KHz, the IR signal will not pass though.
toggle input backward
toggle input forward
output port number
When connecting IR receivers and IR emitters, be very careful as if they are reversed the IR Eye will burn-out
and also may damage the IR module inside of the switch and Receiver.
When connecting Galvanic Isolated
Cable, connect the Stereo Side to
the HDMI Receiver and Mono to
the TV IR Output