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RS 232
1. RS-232 Serial Interface
RS-232 serial interface connect a PC or Control System
Pin RS-232
1 - Not used
2 Tx Transmitter
3 Rx Receiver
4 - Not used
5 GND Ground
6 - Not used
7 - Not used
8 - Not used
9 - Not used
2. RS-232
Atlona Technologies’ switcher can be controlled via the RS-232 serial control port to allow for interfacing to a
PC, The serial communication parameters are 9600 baud, 8 bit, No Parity and 1 stop bit - this is often referred
to as 9600 8N1.
When the unit recognizes a complete command it will perform the requested action - there is no delimiter
character required. The unit does not send out a message when a value is changed from the front panel or
by IR control. If the unit needs to be controlled via the front panel in addition to the RS232 control, you should
party control system.
3. Commands
1 5
6 9
PWOFF Stand-by
All# Mirror all input signals to matching output channels.
x1$ Switch off output channel [x1].
x1AVx2 Transfer the audio video signal from input channel [x1] to
output channel [x2]. Example: input 5 needs to be sent to output 6,
the command would be x5AVx6
x1AVx2,x3,x4 Transfer the audio and video signals from input channel [x1] to output
channels [x2], [x3] and [x4].
Statusx1 Displays input status associated to output [x1].
Status Displays all input and output associations for all channels.
Save[Y] Save the current status to a preset command [Y]. [Y] ranges from 0 to 9.
Recall[Y] Recall the preset command [Y].
Clear[Y] Clear the preset command [Y].
Code entry is CASE SENSITIVE Do not insert space between letter/number
code entries